One-to-one Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Tinnitus, Stress and Anxiety
- Before you rule out using the online CBT4T course (CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme), please check out the REVIEWS
- CBT4T is NOT an app - why not?
- CBT4T is a programme designed specifically for you if you have high tinnitus distress i.e. a Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI) in category 4 or 5, high STRESS and/or high ANXIETY
- CBT4T is provided by Debbie Featherstone, qualified as a psychotherapist (MSc and PGDip) AND Hearing Therapist with more than 30 years experience working with over 10,000 patients during those 30+ years. Having tinnitus is NOT a mental health problem, however, tinnitus can CAUSE anxiety (in any of its many forms), stress and depression that are all common 'mental health" problems that necessitate help from a qualified and experienced psychotherapist or psychologist, equally knowledgeable about tinnitus and hearing
Appointments with Debbie Featherstone
- Where your concerns include there being so few face-to-face appointments, 90% of CBT4T participants need just TWO appointments. The evidence for this has been demonstrated over FOUR YEARS since the CBT for Tinnitus E-Programme was first developed (2020)*
- Where you feel you would benefit from more regular appointments, you could enrol on CBT4T with Enhanced Support It includes a 60-90 minute 1-1 appointment (using Zoom) at the end of each of the first SIX MONTHS of enrolment to review your progress to date and discuss a plan of action for the upcoming month
*The original online Tinnitus E-Programme established in 2009 was a short, 6 module course suitable for those with up to mid-moderate tinnitus distress
"CBT4T is crafted to be an individual process and to be affordable. The CBT4T process has the equivalent effectiveness of 30 hours individual therapy, but for around ONE TENTH of the cost."
The CBT4T process is used AT YOUR OWN PACE. Each stage does have its own MINIMUM length of time set; however, for any process to be robust and consistently produce good outcomes for its users, the process must fit the needs of the individual.
The in-depth content, use of bespoke tools, progress checks, email support and weekly accountability SITREP has reduced the cost by some 90%:
- 30 in-therapy hours (20 x 90 minute sessions) based on £100 per hour* (£100 x 30) = £3,000 : cost of CBT4T enrolment is just £295
- Two one-to-one appointments are already included in your CBT4T 2025 enrolment
- Add-on appointments (commonly 90 minutes) when/if needed are £95.00
- 90% of people enrolling on CBT4T need a maximum two one-to-one appointments already included in enrolment
- All appointments use Zoom
*Private therapy fees vary around the country, and are dependant upon individual therapists' area(s) of specialism. A 60 minute private Consultation is likely to cost anything from £100-£200+
- Places are limited
- All appointments use Zoom
- First, book a Consultation (£175.00) - email
- Individual working comprises up to 30 hours individual CONTACT hours
- Cost is £2,850 (can be divided in to two payments)