The aim of this questionnaire is to identify how much tinnitus is affecting you in terms of intrusiveness, sense of control, ability to concentrate, sleep disturbance, auditory difficulties due to tinnitus, your ability to relax, quality of life and emotional distress (the 8 subscales).
The TFI categories are based on your total TFI score as follows:
- Category 1: 0-43 (0-17% - not a problem)
- Category 2: 43- 79 (18-31% - small problem)
- Category 3: 79-134 (32-53% - moderate problem)
- Category 4: 134-180 (54-72% - big problem)
- Category 5: 180-250 (73-100% - very big problem)
The TFI identifies how tinnitus is affecting you "quantitatively" as do the other validated measures for stress and anxiety used when you enrol. Additionally, your IMPACT STATEMENTS as you begin the therapy process identifies how tinnitus affects you "qualitatively".